
📜 作者


edit_url (paulrbr)

Adds the ability to use a edit_url: meta field in your markdown pages. Meaning you can override the default edit_url value built by MkDocs (from the edit_uri configuration option). This is particularly useful if some of your documentation pages are taken from another source (another repository, a external wiki such as github/gitlab…).

  • author: paulrbr
  • links: Gitlab | Docs
  • installation: pip install git+https://gitlab.com/paulrbr/mkdocs-edit-url/

edit_url (dhis2)

Read a page’s metadata to search for a field called edit_url and forces to use that value when generating the docs as the edit_url (behind the edit button).


PyPI - Downloads

Creates a vim tag file of all markdown files for autocompleting and navigating through markdown pages in vim.