🖌️ HTML处理和CSS样式
HTML processing & CSS styling¶
Adds persistent, preferred and/or alternate stylesheet links to custom MkDocs themes.
- author: Heini Fagerlund hfagerlund
- links: Github | Docs
- installation:
pip install git+https://github.com/hfagerlund/mkdocs-docstyler-plugin
Customizes the first paragraph of your pages and uses it as the page's meta description. This is useful if the first paragraph of your pages a) contains information that should stand out from the rest of the text, e.g., should be printed in bold ("teaser" text), b) should appear as the page description in search engines (for SEO).
Filter HTML tags from Markdown sources. Only allows raw HTML tags specified in the plugin’s whitelist.
- author: raimon raimon49
- links: Pypi | Github | Docs
- installation:
pip install mkdocs-safe-text-plugin
Minifies the HTML of the page just prior to being written to disk.
- author: Byrne Reese byrnereese
- links: Pypi | Github | Docs
- installation:
pip install mkdocs-minify-plugin
Adds Bootstrap classes to plain/naked tables generated by Markdown. This improves styling of tables if you are using the Bootstrap CSS framework. It should have no effect for all other tables.
- author: Byrne Reese byrnereese
- links: Github | Docs
- installation:
pip install mkdocs-bootstrap-tables-plugin
Automatically numbers the title (h1~h6) of each page you have. This only affects your HTML rendering results and does not affect the Markdown files.
- author: ignorantshr
- links: Github | Docs
- installation:
pip install git+https://github.com/ignorantshr/mkdocs-add-number-plugin
MkDocs Plugin to enumerate the headings (h1-h6) across site pages