
📄 PDF & 站点转换

PDF & site conversion


PyPI - Downloads

This plugin will generate a single PDF file from your MkDocs repository.

  • author: orzih
  • links: Pypi | Github
  • installation: pip install mkdocs-with-pdf


PyPI - Downloads

Generate nice documentation PDFs. What makes this plugin different to other MkDocs pdf generator plugins, is that it’s not dependent to a given plugin and may work with absolutely any MkDocs theme. depends on WeasyPrint which depends on cairo, Pango and GDK-PixBuf. They need to be installed separately.

  • author: Gerry Ntabuhashe comwes
  • links: Pypi | Github | Docs
  • installation: pip install mkpdfs-mkdocs


PyPI - Downloads

Exports content pages as PDF files. The pdf-export plugin will export all markdown pages in your MkDocs repository as PDF files using WeasyPrint. The exported documents support many advanced features missing in most other PDF exports, such as a PDF Index and support for CSS paged media module.

PyPI - Downloads

Adds an additional page that combines all pages, allowing easy exports to PDF and standalone HTML.

  • author: Tim Vink timvink
  • links: Pypi | Github | Docs
  • installation: pip install mkdocs-print-site-plugin


PyPI - Downloads

The plugin will export all markdown pages in your MkDocs repository as PDF files using pandoc. The exported documents support many advanced features missing in most other PDF exports, such as PDF navigation, PDF pagenum.


PyPI - Downloads

Lets you export your documentation as PDF with rendered JavaScript content. This is very useful if you want to have your mermaid diagrams in your pdf documents as well. A download link will be added to the top of your documentation.


PyPI - Downloads

Deploys documentation to any mobile device via Apache Cordova.

Apache Cordova (formerly PhoneGap) is a mobile application development framework that enables software programmers to build applications for mobile devices using CSS3, HTML5, and JavaScript instead of relying on platform-specific APIs like those in Android, iOS, or Windows Phone.

This plugin is under development, but it is tested and it should probably work for you.

  • author: Lucas Ramage lramage
  • links: Gitlab | Docs
  • installation: pip install git+https://gitlab.com/lramage/mkdocs-cordova-plugin


PyPI - Downloads

Turns docs website into Helm repository