


GitHub Pages

如果你在GitHub上托管项目的源代码,你可以很容易地使用GitHub Pages来托管项目的文档。 有两种基本类型的GitHub页面网站:项目页面网站,和用户和组织页面 网站。 它们几乎相同,但有一些重要的差异,在部署时需要不同的工作流程。

Project Pages

Project Pages站点更简单,因为站点文件被部署到项目存储库中的分支(默认为gh-pages)。 在你checkout维护项目源文档的git存储库的主要工作分支(通常是master)后,运行以下命令:

mkdocs gh-deploy

That's it! Behind the scenes, MkDocs will build your docs and use the ghp-import tool to commit them to the gh-pages branch and push the gh-pages branch to GitHub.

Use mkdocs gh-deploy --help to get a full list of options available for the gh-deploy command.

Be aware that you will not be able to review the built site before it is pushed to GitHub. Therefore, you may want to verify any changes you make to the docs beforehand by using the build or serve commands and reviewing the built files locally.


You should never edit files in your pages repository by hand if you're using the gh-deploy command because you will lose your work the next time you run the command.


If there are untracked files or uncommitted work in the local repository where mkdocs gh-deploy is run, these will be included in the pages that are deployed.

Organization and User Pages

User and Organization Pages sites are not tied to a specific project, and the site files are deployed to the master branch in a dedicated repository named with the GitHub account name. Therefore, you need working copies of two repositories on our local system. For example, consider the following file structure:


After making and verifying updates to your project you need to change directories to the orgname.github.io repository and call the mkdocs gh-deploy command from there:

cd ../orgname.github.io/
mkdocs gh-deploy --config-file ../my-project/mkdocs.yml --remote-branch master

Note that you need to explicitly point to the mkdocs.yml configuration file as it is no longer in the current working directory. You also need to inform the deploy script to commit to the master branch. You may override the default with the remote_branch configuration setting, but if you forget to change directories before running the deploy script, it will commit to the master branch of your project, which you probably don't want.


GitHub Pages includes support for using a Custom Domain for your site. In addition to the steps documented by GitHub, you need to take one additional step so that MkDocs will work with your custom domain. You need to add a CNAME file to the root of your docs_dir. The file must contain a single bare domain or subdomain on a single line (see MkDocs' own CNAME file as an example). You may create the file manually, or use GitHub's web interface to set up the custom domain (under Settings / Custom Domain). If you use the web interface, GitHub will create the CNAME file for you and save it to the root of your "pages" branch. So that the file does not get removed the next time you deploy, you need to copy the file to your docs_dir. With the file properly included in your docs_dir, MkDocs will include the file in your built site and push it to your "pages" branch each time you run the gh-deploy command.

If you are having problems getting a custom domain to work, see GitHub's documentation on Troubleshooting custom domains.


Read the Docs offers free documentation hosting. You can import your docs using any major version control system, including Mercurial, Git, Subversion, and Bazaar. Read the Docs supports MkDocs out-of-the-box. Follow the instructions on their site to arrange the files in your repository properly, create an account and point it at your publicly hosted repository. If properly configured, your documentation will update each time you push commits to your public repository.


To benefit from all of the features offered by Read the Docs, you will need to use the Read the Docs theme which ships with MkDocs. The various themes which may be referenced in Read the Docs' documentation are Sphinx specific themes and will not work with MkDocs.


任何可以提供静态文件的托管提供商都可以用来提供MkDocs生成的文档。 虽然不可能记录如何将文档上传到每个托管提供商,但以下指南应该能提供一些一般性的帮助。

When you build your site (using the mkdocs build command), all of the files are written to the directory assigned to the site_dir configuration option (defaults to "site") in your mkdocs.yaml config file. Generally, you will simply need to copy the contents of that directory to the root directory of your hosting provider's server. Depending on your hosting provider's setup, you may need to use a graphical or command line ftp, ssh or scp client to transfer the files.

For example, a typical set of commands from the command line might look something like this:

mkdocs build
scp -r ./site user@host:/path/to/server/root

Of course, you will need to replace user with the username you have with your hosting provider and host with the appropriate domain name. Additionally, you will need to adjust the /path/to/server/root to match the configuration of your hosts' file system.

See your host's documentation for specifics. You will likely want to search their documentation for "ftp" or "uploading site".


Rather than hosting your documentation on a server, you may instead distribute the files directly, which can then be viewed in a browser using the file:// scheme.

Note that, due to the security settings of all modern browsers, some things will not work the same and some features may not work at all. In fact, a few settings will need to be customized in very specific ways.

  • site_url:

    The site_url must be set to an empty string, which instructs MkDocs to build your site so that it will work with the file:// scheme.

    site_url: ""
  • use_directory_urls:

    Set use_directory_urls to false. Otherwise, internal links between pages will not work properly.

    use_directory_urls: false
  • search:

    You will need to either disable the search plugin, or use a third-party search plugin which is specifically designed to work with the file:// scheme. To disable all plugins, set the plugins setting to an empty list.

    plugins: []

    If you have other plugins enabled, simply ensure that search is not included in the list.

When writing your documentation, it is imperative that all internal links use relative URLs as documented. Remember, each reader of your documentation will be using a different device and the files will likely be in a different location on that device.

If you expect your documentation to be viewed off-line, you may also need to be careful about which themes you choose. Many themes make use of CDNs for various support files, which require a live Internet connection. You will need to choose a theme which includes all support files directly in the theme.

When you build your site (using the mkdocs build command), all of the files are written to the directory assigned to the site_dir configuration option (defaults to "site") in your mkdocs.yaml config file. Generally, you will simply need to copy the contents of that directory and distribute it to your readers. Alternatively, you may choose to use a third party tool to convert the HTML files to some other documentation format.

404 Pages

当MkDocs构建文档时,它将在build目录中包含一个404.html文件。 该文件将在部署到GitHub时自动使用,但仅限于自定义域。 其他web服务器可能会配置使用它,但该功能并不总是可用的。 有关更多信息,请参阅所选服务器的文档。