

自动化测试被认为是任何严肃的软件开发工作的重要组成部分。 自动化使得在开发过程中可以轻松快速地重复单个测试或测试套件。 这有助于确保发布满足质量和性能目标。 自动化有助于增加覆盖率,并为开发人员提供更快的反馈循环。 自动化既提高了独立开发人员的生产力,又确保了测试在关键的开发生命周期节点上运行,比如源代码控制签入、特性集成和版本发布。

这样的测试通常跨越各种类型,包括单元测试、端到端(e2e)测试、集成测试等等。 虽然这些好处是毋庸置疑的,但设置起来可能很繁琐。 Nest 致力于推广开发最佳实践,包括有效的测试,因此它包括以下功能,以帮助开发人员和团队构建和自动化测试。


  • 自动搭建组件的默认单元测试和应用程序的端到端测试
  • 提供默认工具(例如构建隔离模块/应用程序加载器的测试运行器)
  • 提供了与JestSupertest的开箱即用的集成,同时保持与测试工具无关
  • 使得 Nest 依赖项注入系统在测试环境中可用,可以轻松模拟组件

如前所述,您可以使用任何您喜欢的测试框架,因为 Nest 不强制使用任何特定的工具。 只需替换所需的元素(比如测试运行器),您仍然可以享受到 Nest 现成测试工具的好处。



$ npm i --save-dev @nestjs/testing


在下面的例子中,我们测试了两个类:CatsControllerCatsService。 如前所述,Jest是作为默认测试框架提供的。 它充当测试运行器,还提供断言函数和 test-double 实用程序,以帮助模拟、监视等。 在接下来的基本测试中,我们手动实例化这些类,并确保控制器和服务履行它们的 API 契约。

import { CatsController } from './cats.controller';
import { CatsService } from './cats.service';

describe('CatsController', () => {
  let catsController: CatsController;
  let catsService: CatsService;

  beforeEach(() => {
    catsService = new CatsService();
    catsController = new CatsController(catsService);

  describe('findAll', () => {
    it('should return an array of cats', async () => {
      const result = ['test'];
      jest.spyOn(catsService, 'findAll').mockImplementation(() => result);

      expect(await catsController.findAll()).toBe(result);
import { CatsController } from './cats.controller';
import { CatsService } from './cats.service';

describe('CatsController', () => {
  let catsController;
  let catsService;

  beforeEach(() => {
    catsService = new CatsService();
    catsController = new CatsController(catsService);

  describe('findAll', () => {
    it('should return an array of cats', async () => {
      const result = ['test'];
      jest.spyOn(catsService, 'findAll').mockImplementation(() => result);

      expect(await catsController.findAll()).toBe(result);


Keep your test files located near the classes they test. Testing files should have a .spec or .test suffix.

因为上面的示例很简单,所以我们并没有真正测试任何特定于 nest 的东西。 事实上,我们甚至没有使用依赖注入(注意,我们传递了一个CatsService的实例给catsController)。 这种形式的测试——我们手动实例化被测试的类——通常被称为 隔离测试 ,因为它独立于框架。 让我们介绍一些更高级的功能,它们可以帮助您测试更广泛使用 Nest 特性的应用程序。


@nestjs/testing包提供了一组实用程序,支持更健壮的测试过程。 让我们用内置的Test类重写前面的例子:

import { Test } from '@nestjs/testing';
import { CatsController } from './cats.controller';
import { CatsService } from './cats.service';

describe('CatsController', () => {
  let catsController: CatsController;
  let catsService: CatsService;

  beforeEach(async () => {
    const moduleRef = await Test.createTestingModule({
      controllers: [CatsController],
      providers: [CatsService],

    catsService = moduleRef.get<CatsService>(CatsService);
    catsController = moduleRef.get<CatsController>(CatsController);

  describe('findAll', () => {
    it('should return an array of cats', async () => {
      const result = ['test'];
      jest.spyOn(catsService, 'findAll').mockImplementation(() => result);

      expect(await catsController.findAll()).toBe(result);
import { Test } from '@nestjs/testing';
import { CatsController } from './cats.controller';
import { CatsService } from './cats.service';

describe('CatsController', () => {
  let catsController;
  let catsService;

  beforeEach(async () => {
    const moduleRef = await Test.createTestingModule({
      controllers: [CatsController],
      providers: [CatsService],

    catsService = moduleRef.get(CatsService);
    catsController = moduleRef.get(CatsController);

  describe('findAll', () => {
    it('should return an array of cats', async () => {
      const result = ['test'];
      jest.spyOn(catsService, 'findAll').mockImplementation(() => result);

      expect(await catsController.findAll()).toBe(result);

“Test”类在提供应用程序执行上下文时非常有用,该上下文实际上模拟了完整的 Nest 运行时,但它提供了一些钩子,使管理类实例变得容易,包括模拟和覆盖。 Test类有一个createTestingModule()方法,它接受一个模块元数据对象作为它的参数(与你传递给@Module()装饰器的对象相同)。 这个方法返回一个TestingModule实例,该实例又提供了一些方法。 对于单元测试,重要的是compile()方法。 这个方法引导一个模块及其依赖项(类似于传统的main引导应用程序的方式。使用NestFactory.create()),并返回一个已准备好测试的模块。


The compile() method is asynchronous and therefore has to be awaited. Once the module is compiled you can retrieve any static instance it declares (controllers and providers) using the get() method.

TestingModule inherits from the module reference class, and therefore its ability to dynamically resolve scoped providers (transient or request-scoped). Do this with the resolve() method (the get() method can only retrieve static instances).

const moduleRef = await Test.createTestingModule({
  controllers: [CatsController],
  providers: [CatsService],

catsService = await moduleRef.resolve(CatsService);


The resolve() method returns a unique instance of the provider, from its own DI container sub-tree . Each sub-tree has a unique context identifier. Thus, if you call this method more than once and compare instance references, you will see that they are not equal.


Learn more about the module reference features here.

Instead of using the production version of any provider, you can override it with a custom provider for testing purposes. For example, you can mock a database service instead of connecting to a live database. We'll cover overrides in the next section, but they're available for unit tests as well.


Nest 还允许您定义一个模拟工厂,以应用于所有丢失的依赖项。 这对于在一个类中有大量依赖项,并且模拟所有依赖项将花费很长时间和大量设置的情况很有用。 要利用这个特性,createTestingModule()需要与useMocker()方法连接起来,为依赖项模拟传递一个工厂。 这个工厂可以接受一个可选的令牌,这是一个实例令牌,任何对 Nest 提供程序有效的令牌,并返回一个模拟实现。 下面是一个使用 jest-mock 创建通用 mock 和使用 jest.fn()CatsService 创建特定 mock 的示例。

const moduleMocker = new ModuleMocker(global);

describe('CatsController', () => {
  let controller: CatsController;

  beforeEach(async () => {
    const moduleRef = await Test.createTestingModule({
      controllers: [CatsController],
      .useMocker((token) => {
        if (token === CatsService) {
          return { findAll: jest.fn().mockResolveValue(results) };
        if (typeof token === 'function') {
          const mockMetadata = moduleMocker.getMetadata(
          ) as MockFunctionMetadata<any, any>;
          const Mock = moduleMocker.generateFromMetadata(mockMetadata);
          return new Mock();

    controller = moduleRef.get(CatsController);


A general mock factory, like createMock from @golevelup/ts-jest can also be passed directly.

您也可以像通常会自定义提供商一样从测试容器中检索这些模型, moduleRef.get(CatsService).


与单元测试(侧重于单个模块和类)不同,端到端(e2e)测试在更聚合的层次上覆盖了类和模块的交互——更接近于终端用户与生产系统的交互。 随着应用程序的增长,手动测试每个 API 端点的端到端行为变得越来越困难。 自动化的端到端测试帮助我们确保系统的整体行为是正确的,并满足项目需求。 为了执行端到端测试,我们使用了与刚刚在 单元测试 中介绍的配置类似的配置。 此外,Nest 可以很容易地使用Supertest库来模拟 HTTP 请求。

import * as request from 'supertest';
import { Test } from '@nestjs/testing';
import { CatsModule } from '../../src/cats/cats.module';
import { CatsService } from '../../src/cats/cats.service';
import { INestApplication } from '@nestjs/common';

describe('Cats', () => {
  let app: INestApplication;
  let catsService = { findAll: () => ['test'] };

  beforeAll(async () => {
    const moduleRef = await Test.createTestingModule({
      imports: [CatsModule],

    app = moduleRef.createNestApplication();
    await app.init();

  it(`/GET cats`, () => {
    return request(app.getHttpServer()).get('/cats').expect(200).expect({
      data: catsService.findAll(),

  afterAll(async () => {
    await app.close();
import * as request from 'supertest';
import { Test } from '@nestjs/testing';
import { CatsModule } from '../../src/cats/cats.module';
import { CatsService } from '../../src/cats/cats.service';
import { INestApplication } from '@nestjs/common';

describe('Cats', () => {
  let app: INestApplication;
  let catsService = { findAll: () => ['test'] };

  beforeAll(async () => {
    const moduleRef = await Test.createTestingModule({
      imports: [CatsModule],

    app = moduleRef.createNestApplication();
    await app.init();

  it(`/GET cats`, () => {
    return request(app.getHttpServer()).get('/cats').expect(200).expect({
      data: catsService.findAll(),

  afterAll(async () => {
    await app.close();


If you're using Fastify as your HTTP adapter, it requires a slightly different configuration, and has built-in testing capabilities:

let app: NestFastifyApplication;

beforeAll(async () => {
  app = moduleRef.createNestApplication<NestFastifyApplication>(
    new FastifyAdapter(),

  await app.init();
  await app.getHttpAdapter().getInstance().ready();

it(`/GET cats`, () => {
  return app
      method: 'GET',
      url: '/cats',
    .then((result) => {
      expect(result.payload).toEqual(/* expectedPayload */);

afterAll(async () => {
  await app.close();

In this example, we build on some of the concepts described earlier. In addition to the compile() method we used earlier, we now use the createNestApplication() method to instantiate a full Nest runtime environment. We save a reference to the running app in our app variable so we can use it to simulate HTTP requests.

We simulate HTTP tests using the request() function from Supertest. We want these HTTP requests to route to our running Nest app, so we pass the request() function a reference to the HTTP listener that underlies Nest (which, in turn, may be provided by the Express platform). Hence the construction request(app.getHttpServer()). The call to request() hands us a wrapped HTTP Server, now connected to the Nest app, which exposes methods to simulate an actual HTTP request. For example, using request(...).get('/cats') will initiate a request to the Nest app that is identical to an actual HTTP request like get '/cats' coming in over the network.

In this example, we also provide an alternate (test-double) implementation of the CatsService which simply returns a hard-coded value that we can test for. Use overrideProvider() to provide such an alternate implementation. Similarly, Nest provides methods to override guards, interceptors, filters and pipes with theoverrideGuard(), overrideInterceptor(), overrideFilter(), and overridePipe() methods respectively.

Each of the override methods returns an object with 3 different methods that mirror those described for custom providers:

  • useClass: you supply a class that will be instantiated to provide the instance to override the object (provider, guard, etc.).
  • useValue: you supply an instance that will override the object.
  • useFactory: you supply a function that returns an instance that will override the object.

Each of the override method types, in turn, returns the TestingModule instance, and can thus be chained with other methods in the fluent style. You should use compile() at the end of such a chain to cause Nest to instantiate and initialize the module.

Also, sometimes you may want to provide a custom logger e.g. when the tests are run (for example, on a CI server). Use the setLogger() method and pass an object that fulfills the LoggerService interface to instruct the TestModuleBuilder how to log during tests (by default, only "error" logs will be logged to the console).

The compiled module has several useful methods, as described in the following table:

createNestApplication() Creates and returns a Nest application (INestApplication instance) based on the given module. Note that you must manually initialize the application using the init() method.
createNestMicroservice() Creates and returns a Nest microservice (INestMicroservice instance) based on the given module.
get() Retrieves a static instance of a controller or provider (including guards, filters, etc.) available in the application context. Inherited from the module reference class.
resolve() Retrieves a dynamically created scoped instance (request or transient) of a controller or provider (including guards, filters, etc.) available in the application context. Inherited from the module reference class.
select() Navigates through the module's dependency graph; can be used to retrieve a specific instance from the selected module (used along with strict mode (strict: true) in get() method).


Keep your e2e test files inside the test directory. The testing files should have a .e2e-spec suffix.


如果您有一个全局注册的守卫(或管道、拦截器或过滤器),您需要采取更多的步骤来覆盖该增强程序。 回顾一下最初的注册,看起来像这样:

providers: [
    provide: APP_GUARD,
    useClass: JwtAuthGuard,

This is registering the guard as a "multi"-provider through the APP_* token. To be able to replace the JwtAuthGuard here, the registration needs to use an existing provider in this slot:

providers: [
    provide: APP_GUARD,
    useExisting: JwtAuthGuard,
    // ^^^^^^^^ notice the use of 'useExisting `instead of` useClass'


Change the useClass to useExisting to reference a registered provider instead of having Nest instantiate it behind the token.

Now the JwtAuthGuard is visible to Nest as a regular provider that can be overridden when creating the TestingModule:

const moduleRef = await Test.createTestingModule({
  imports: [AppModule],

Now all your tests will use the MockAuthGuard on every request.


request -scoped提供程序是为每个传入的 请求 创建的。 在请求完成处理后,对实例进行垃圾回收。 这就产生了一个问题,因为我们不能访问专门为测试请求生成的依赖注入子树。

我们知道(基于上面的部分)resolve()方法可以用于检索动态实例化的类。 此外,正如在这里,我们知道我们可以传递一个惟一的上下文标识符来控制 DI 容器子树的生命周期。 我们如何在测试环境中利用这一点?

策略是预先生成上下文标识符,并强制 Nest 使用这个特定的 ID 为所有传入请求创建子树。 通过这种方式,我们将能够检索为测试请求创建的实例。


const contextId = ContextIdFactory.create();
  .spyOn(ContextIdFactory, 'getByRequest')
  .mockImplementation(() => contextId);

Now we can use the contextId to access a single generated DI container sub-tree for any subsequent request.

catsService = await moduleRef.resolve(CatsService, contextId);