

本文提供了一组从 Nest 版本 7 到版本 8 迁移的准则。 要了解有关我们在 V8 中添加的新功能的更多信息,请查看此链接.

HTTP module

The HttpModule exported from the @nestjs/common package has been deprecated and will be removed in the next major release. Instead, please use the @nestjs/axios package (otherwise, there are no API differences).

gRPC strategy

The original Node gRPC library (grpc) has been deprecated and will no longer receive feature updates. With Nest v8, you should use the @grpc/grpc-js library instead.

NATS strategy

NATS has released a new major version (2.0) which has many changes and it is not API compatible with nats@1.x.x. If you interact with a Nest microservice (that uses NATS as a transfer layer), from a service written in a different framework, please, see their migration document to learn what's changed in v2. Otherwise, you should not see any major differences when communicating between Nest microservices.

To upgrade, make sure to install the latest version of the nats package (npm i nats@latest). Also, update your NATS configuration. Example:

// Before
const app = await NestFactory.createMicroservice<MicroserviceOptions>(
    transport: Transport.NATS,
    options: {
      url: 'nats://localhost:4222',

// Now
const app = await NestFactory.createMicroservice<MicroserviceOptions>(
    transport: Transport.NATS,
    options: {
      servers: ['nats://localhost:4222'],

@All() decorator

Routes annotated with the @All() decorator will now map to the router.all() method instead of the router.use().

Async listen/start methods

listenAsync() and startAllMicroservicesAsync() methods have been deprecated. Instead, simply use the listen() and startAllMicroservices() methods (they are async either way).


The @nestjs/platform-socket.io package was upgraded to use the socket.io@4.x.x version (Nest v7 was based on the socket.io v2). To learn more, check out these articles: Socket.io 3 Release and Socket.io 4 Release.

Logger breaking changes

For better extensibility, we separated out the Logger and ConsoleLogger classes (PR, learn more in the Logging chapter). If your application uses a custom logger class that extends the built-in Logger, you should update it to extend the ConsoleLogger now.


export class MyLogger extends Logger {}


export class MyLogger extends ConsoleLogger {}

@nestjs/config package

There was a minor breaking change in the registerAs function (typings), you can see what has changed in this PR.

@nestjs/graphql package

There might be some small differences in how your auto-generated schema file looks like (changed types order). Also, if you use the schema-first approach, the automatically generated type definitions will change as there was a new Nullable<T> type introduced in the latest release.

Also, all HttpException errors thrown from your resolvers will be now automatically mapped to the corresponding ApolloError instances, unless you set the autoTransformHttpErrors configuration property (in the options object you pass into the GraphQLModule#forRoot() method) to false.

@nestjs/terminus package

HttpHealthIndicator requires @nestjs/axios to be installed as well as HttpModule to be imported. Also, the deprecated TerminusModule.forRootAsync has been removed. To migrate, check out the @nestjs/terminus v7.x.x upgrade guide.


Make sure to upgrade to the latest version of the rxjs package (v7).