

某些组件具有可能导致问题的场景。有些组件需要以特定的方式与收集器进行交互,以确保 组件按预期工作。本文档描述了可能影响收集器中组件的常见警告。

访问组件的 README,看看它是否受到这些标准警告的影响。

Unsound Transformations

Incorrect usage of the component may lead to telemetry data that is unsound i.e. not spec-compliant/meaningless. This would most likely be caused by converting metric data types or creating new metrics from existing metrics.


The component keeps state related to telemetry data and therefore needs all data from a producer to be sent to the same Collector instance to ensure a correct behavior. Examples of scenarios that require state would be computing/exporting delta metrics, tail-based sampling and grouping telemetry.

Identity Conflict

The component may change the identity of a metric or the identity of a timeseries. This could be done by modifying the metric/timeseries's name, attributes, or instrumentation scope. Modifying a metric/timeseries's identity could result in a metric/timeseries identity conflict, which caused by two metrics/timeseries sharing the same name, attributes, and instrumentation scope.

Orphaned Telemetry

The component modifies the incoming telemetry in such a way that a span becomes orphaned, that is, it contains a trace_id or parent_span_id that does not exist. This may occur because the component can modify span_id, trace_id, or parent_span_id or because the component can delete telemetry.