
Instrumenting Kafka

NOTICE Semantic Conventions are moving to a new location.

No changes to this document are allowed.

Status: Experimental

This document defines how to apply semantic conventions when instrumenting Kafka.

Kafka Metrics

Description: General Kafka metrics.

Name Instrument Value type Unit Unit (UCUM) Description Attribute Key Attribute Values
messaging.kafka.messages Counter Int64 messages {message} The number of messages received by the broker.
messaging.kafka.requests.failed Counter Int64 requests {request} The number of requests to the broker resulting in a failure. type produce, fetch
messaging.kafka.requests.queue UpDownCounter Int64 requests {request} The number of requests in the request queue.
messaging.kafka.network.io Counter Int64 bytes By The bytes received or sent by the broker. state in, out
messaging.kafka.purgatory.size UpDownCounter Int64 requests {request} The number of requests waiting in the purgatory. type produce, fetch
messaging.kafka.partitions.all UpDownCounter Int64 partitions {partition} The number of partitions in the broker.
messaging.kafka.partitions.offline UpDownCounter Int64 partitions {partition} The number of offline partitions.
messaging.kafka.partitions.under-replicated UpDownCounter Int64 partition {partition} The number of under replicated partitions.
messaging.kafka.isr.operations Counter Int64 operations {operation} The number of in-sync replica shrink and expand operations. operation shrink, expand
messaging.kafka.lag_max Gauge Int64 lag max {message} Max lag in messages between follower and leader replicas.
messaging.kafka.controllers.active UpDownCounter Int64 controllers {controller} The number of active controllers in the broker.
messaging.kafka.leader.elections Counter Int64 elections {election} Leader election rate (increasing values indicates broker failures).
messaging.kafka.leader.unclean-elections Counter Int64 elections {election} Unclean leader election rate (increasing values indicates broker failures).
messaging.kafka.brokers UpDownCounter Int64 brokers {broker} Number of brokers in the cluster.
messaging.kafka.topic.partitions UpDownCounter Int64 partitions {partition} Number of partitions in topic. topic The ID (integer) of a topic
messaging.kafka.partition.current_offset Gauge Int64 partition offset {partition offset} Current offset of partition of topic. topic The ID (integer) of a topic
partition The number (integer) of the partition
messaging.kafka.partition.oldest_offset Gauge Int64 partition offset {partition offset} Oldest offset of partition of topic topic The ID (integer) of a topic
partition The number (integer) of the partition
messaging.kafka.partition.replicas.all UpDownCounter Int64 replicas {replica} Number of replicas for partition of topic topic The ID (integer) of a topic
partition The number (integer) of the partition
messaging.kafka.partition.replicas.in_sync UpDownCounter Int64 replicas {replica} Number of synchronized replicas of partition topic The ID (integer) of a topic
partition The number (integer) of the partition

Kafka Producer Metrics

Description: Kafka Producer level metrics.

Name Instrument Value type Unit Unit (UCUM) Description Attribute Key Attribute Values
messaging.kafka.producer.outgoing-bytes.rate Gauge Double bytes per second By/s The average number of outgoing bytes sent per second to all servers. client-id client-id value
messaging.kafka.producer.responses.rate Gauge Double responses per second {response}/s The average number of responses received per second. client-id client-id value
messaging.kafka.producer.bytes.rate Gauge Double bytes per second By/s The average number of bytes sent per second for a specific topic. client-id client-id value
topic topic name
messaging.kafka.producer.compression-ratio Gauge Double compression ratio {compression} The average compression ratio of record batches for a specific topic. client-id client-id value
topic topic name
messaging.kafka.producer.record-error.rate Gauge Double error rate {error}/s The average per-second number of record sends that resulted in errors for a specific topic. client-id client-id value
topic topic name
messaging.kafka.producer.record-retry.rate Gauge Double retry rate {retry}/s The average per-second number of retried record sends for a specific topic. client-id client-id value
topic topic name
messaging.kafka.producer.record-sent.rate Gauge Double records sent rate {record_sent}/s The average number of records sent per second for a specific topic. client-id client-id value
topic topic name

Kafka Consumer Metrics

Description: Kafka Consumer level metrics.

Name Instrument Value type Unit Unit (UCUM) Description Attribute Key Attribute Values
messaging.kafka.consumer.members UpDownCounter Int64 members {member} Count of members in the consumer group group The ID (string) of a consumer group
messaging.kafka.consumer.offset Gauge Int64 offset {offset} Current offset of the consumer group at partition of topic group The ID (string) of a consumer group
topic The ID (integer) of a topic
partition The number (integer) of the partition
messaging.kafka.consumer.offset_sum Gauge Int64 offset sum {offset sum} Sum of consumer group offset across partitions of topic group The ID (string) of a consumer group
topic The ID (integer) of a topic
messaging.kafka.consumer.lag Gauge Int64 lag {lag} Current approximate lag of consumer group at partition of topic group The ID (string) of a consumer group
topic The ID (integer) of a topic
partition The number (integer) of the partition
messaging.kafka.consumer.lag_sum Gauge Int64 lag sum {lag sum} Current approximate sum of consumer group lag across all partitions of topic group The ID (string) of a consumer group
topic The ID (integer) of a topic