

Status: Experimental

The Semantic Conventions define the keys and values which describe commonly observed concepts, protocols, and operations used by applications.

OpenTelemetry defines its semantic conventions in a separate repository: https://github.com/open-telemetry/semantic-conventions.

Reserved Attributes

Semantic conventions MUST provide the following attributes:

  • Resource
  • service.name
  • telemetry.sdk.language
  • telemetry.sdk.name
  • telemetry.sdk.version
  • Event
  • exception.escaped
  • exception.message
  • exception.stacktrace
  • exception.type

Experimental Reserved Attributes

Semantic conventions MUST provide the following attributes:

  • Resource
  • server.address
  • server.port
  • service.instance.id
  • url.scheme

Reserved Namespace

The otel.* namespace is reserved for defining compatibility with non-opentelemetry technologies.