

OpenTelemetry 是在一个信号一个信号的基础上开发的。跟踪、度量、行李和日志记录都是 信号的例子。信号建立在上下文传播之上,上下文传播是一种跨分布式系统关联数据的共享 机制。


信号也有贡献组件,一个插件和仪器的生态系统。所有检测工具都共享相同的语义约定,以 确保它们在观察常见操作(如 HTTP 请求)时生成相同的数据。

要了解有关信号和组件的更多信息,请参阅 OTel 规范概述.



  • Draft components are under design, and have not been added to the specification.
  • Experimental components are released and available for beta testing.
  • Stable components are backwards compatible and covered under long term support.
  • Deprecated components are stable but may eventually be removed.

有关生命周期和长期支持的完整定义,请参 见[版本控制和稳定性]。(/docs/specs/otel/versioning-and-stability/).


以下是当前可用信号的高级状态报告。请注意,虽然 OpenTelemetry 客户端遵循共享规范 ,但它们是独立开发的。

Checking the current status for each client in the README of its github repo is recommended. Client support for specific features can be found in the specification compliance tables.

Note that, for each of the following sections, the Collector status is the same as the Protocol status.


  • {{% spec_status "API" "otel/trace/api" "Status" %}}
  • {{% spec_status "SDK" "otel/trace/sdk" "Status" %}}
  • {{% spec_status "Protocol" "otlp" "Status" %}}
  • Notes:
  • The tracing specification is now completely stable, and covered by long term support.
  • The tracing specification is still extensible, but only in a backwards compatible manner.
  • OpenTelemetry clients are versioned to v1.0 once their tracing implementation is complete.


  • {{% spec_status "API" "otel/metrics/api" "Status" %}}
  • {{% spec_status "SDK" "otel/metrics/sdk" "Status" %}}
  • {{% spec_status "Protocol" "otlp" "Status" %}}
  • Notes:
  • OpenTelemetry Metrics is currently under active development.
  • The data model is stable and released as part of the OTLP protocol.
  • Experimental support for metric pipelines is available in the Collector.
  • Collector support for Prometheus is under development, in collaboration with the Prometheus community.


  • {{% spec_status "API" "otel/baggage/api" "Status" %}}
  • SDK: stable
  • Protocol: N/A
  • Notes:
  • OpenTelemetry Baggage is now completely stable.
  • Baggage is not an observability tool, it is a system for attaching arbitrary keys and values to a transaction, so that downstream services may access them. As such, there is no OTLP or Collector component to baggage.


  • {{% spec_status "Bridge API" "otel/logs/bridge-api" "Status" %}}
  • {{% spec_status "SDK" "otel/logs/sdk" "Status" %}}
  • {{% spec_status "Event API" "otel/logs/event-api" "Status" %}}
  • {{% spec_status "Protocol" "otlp" "Status" %}}
  • Notes:
  • The logs data model is released as part of the OpenTelemetry Protocol.
  • Log processing for many data formats has been added to the Collector, thanks to the donation of Stanza to the OpenTelemetry project.
  • The OpenTelemetry Log Bridge API allows for writing appenders which bridge logs from existing log frameworks into OpenTelemetry. The Logs Bridge API is not meant to be called directly by end users. Log appenders are under development in many languages.
  • The OpenTelemetry Log SDK is the standard implementation of the Log Bridge API. Applications configure the SDK to indicate how logs are processed and exported (e.g. using OTLP).
  • The OpenTelemetry Event API allows log records to be emitted which conform to the event semantic conventions. In contrast to the Log Bridge API, the Event API is intended to be called by end users. The Event API is under active development.