YAML 中的功能参考
Pymdown 扩展程序具有许多扩展,可以通过获取功能引用的选项来揭示自定义。 如果您使用的是MkDocs之类的项目,该项目允许用户通过 YAML 配置 Python Markdown 扩展,则指定功能引用可能不会直观。
请记住,以下示例专门参考通过 PyYAML并配置为允许 Python 对象。
指定 PyYAML 中的函数参考, 您必须使用!!python/name:
预处理功能 . 如果要使用参数配置函数 – 就像我们需要slugs.slugify
or arithmatex
's 的 SuperFence 的自定义围栏 – 那你必须使用 !!python/object/apply:
. 例如,为了指定 Python Markdown 的 TOC 扩展名以使用 Markdown 中的 Pymdown 扩展名之一,我们将使用该格式,以便我们可以指定关键字参数。
- markdown.extensions.toc:
slugify: !!python/object/apply:pymdownx.slugs.slugify { kwds: { case: lower } }
permalink: "\ue157"
- pymdownx.emoji:
emoji_generator: !!python/name:pymdownx.emoji.to_png
GitHub-ish 配置
How do I get GitHub Flavored Markdown?
A recommended GitHub configuration is provided below to emulate a setup that gives a GitHub feel.
For GitHub issue, commit, pull request, and mention shorthand syntax, you will also need to specify a provider
, user
and repo
in MagicLink's options below. This gives relative context for shorthand links (like #1
) so that links can properly be generated. In the example below, we will use facelessuser
and pymdown-extensions
as the user and repository respectively. See MagicLink for more details.
If you are attempting to configure these options in a YAML based configuration (like in MkDocs), please see the related FAQ question to see how to specify function references in YAML.
from pymdownx import emoji
extensions = [
extension_configs = {
"pymdownx.magiclink": {
"repo_url_shortener": True,
"repo_url_shorthand": True,
"provider": "github",
"user": "facelessuser",
"repo": "pymdown-extensions"
"pymdownx.tilde": {
"subscript": False
"pymdownx.emoji": {
"emoji_index": emoji.gemoji,
"emoji_generator": emoji.to_png,
"alt": "short",
"options": {
"attributes": {
"align": "absmiddle",
"height": "20px",
"width": "20px"
"image_path": "https://assets-cdn.github.com/images/icons/emoji/unicode/",
"non_standard_image_path": "https://assets-cdn.github.com/images/icons/emoji/"
The short answer is to use SuperFences' custom fence feature. We provide a basic example using SuperFences, but in order to get a really solid Mermaid experience, we actually go a bit further in our documents. While we don't often have time to answer everyone's questions regarding Mermaid, we have provided some fairly extensive notes on how we achieved Mermaid diagrams in this documents. Check out the notes here.
Arithmatex 通用模式在 MkDocs 中不起作用
This question comes up every now and as there are a number of people that like to use Arithmatex in the MkDocs environment. For whatever reason, people often gravitate towards the "generic" mode over the "default" mode. And inevitably, we'll get an issue regarding why math rendering isn't working with Arithmatex in MkDocs.
If you are affected by this issue, the first question you should ask yourself is whether you are using the mkdocs-minify-plugin
. If you are using this plugin, you must either discontinue using it (which is not usually the desired approach) or use Arithmatex's "default" mode and MathJax configuration as outlined in its documentation.